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definition of frozen dessert


Definitions from the Web

Term: Frozen Dessert


A frozen dessert refers to any sweet dish that is frozen or partially frozen, typically enjoyed as a treat or dessert.

Usage Examples:

Sense 1 - Popular Usage:

1. She couldn't resist indulging in a delicious frozen dessert after dinner.

2. During summer, people often flock to ice cream parlors to enjoy various frozen desserts.

3. The gelato shop offers a wide range of fruity and creamy frozen desserts.

Sense 2 - Local Usage:

1. Living in a coastal town, their signature frozen dessert is a unique blend of local fruits and sorbet.

2. The family-owned bakery is famous for their homemade frozen desserts made with local ingredients.

3. Visitors in the area must try the local specialty: a frozen dessert made with regional nuts and honey.

Related Products:

Explore related frozen dessert products on Amazon.

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