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definition of mysterious


Definitions from the Web


The term "mysterious" refers to something that is difficult to understand, explain, or interpret, often due to its secretive or puzzling nature.

Parts of Speech:

  • Adjective: The mysterious woman had an air of intrigue surrounding her.
  • Noun: The detective was determined to solve the mysteries surrounding the crime.

Senses and Usages:

  1. Inexplicable: He had a mysterious ability to predict the future.
  2. Enigmatic: The ancient artifact held a mysterious aura.
  3. Secretive: She kept a mysterious past hidden from her friends.
  4. Puzzling: The circumstances of his sudden disappearance remained mysterious.

Sample Sentences:

  • The book had a mysterious ending that left readers contemplating its meaning.
  • The masked magician performed astounding tricks that seemed mysterious to the audience.
  • As I wandered through the dense forest, I stumbled upon a mysterious-looking cabin.
  • Her eyes held a mysterious sparkle that captivated everyone who met her.

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