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definition of dispute


Definitions from the Web

Term: Dispute

Definition: A dispute refers to an argument or disagreement between two or more parties where conflicting opinions, viewpoints, or claims are stated and discussed.

Sample Sentences:

  1. There was a heated dispute between the neighbors over the ownership of the shared garden.
  2. The siblings couldn't agree on which movie to watch, resulting in a dispute.
  3. The company is currently engaged in a legal dispute with one of its competitors.

Senses and Usages:

  • Sense 1: Verb - To argue or debate about something.
    • Example Sentence: The panelists disputed the topic of climate change during the live talk show.
  • Sense 2: Noun - A formal discussion or debate typically resulting in a resolution or decision.
    • Example Sentence: The mediation session aimed to resolve the dispute between the labor union and management.
  • Sense 3: Noun - A conflict or disagreement that can be legally settled.
    • Example Sentence: The international court handles disputes between nations.

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