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definition of babyboomers


Definitions from the Web

Baby Boomers


Baby Boomers refer to the generation of individuals who were born between 1946 and 1964, following the end of World War II. This term is used to describe a significant demographic cohort known for their large numbers and collective influence on social, political, and economic aspects of society.


  1. Noun:
    • A member of the Baby Boomer generation.
  2. Adjective:
    • Pertaining to or characteristic of the Baby Boomer generation.
  3. Verb (Rare):
    • The act of giving birth to baby boomers or having been born during the baby boomer period.

Sample Sentences:

  1. As Baby Boomers reach retirement age, there is a concern over the strain on social security and healthcare systems.

  2. The music popular during the 1960s and 1970s resonates with many Baby Boomers.

  3. She is a Baby Boomer and has experienced firsthand the societal changes that occurred during her adulthood.

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