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Noun crinkle has 1 sense
  1. wrinkle, furrow, crease, crinkle, seam, line - a slight depression in the smoothness of a surface; "his face has many lines"; "ironing gets rid of most wrinkles"
    --1 is a kind of depression, impression, imprint
    --1 is a part of skin, tegument, cutis
    --1 has particulars:
     crow's foot, crow's feet, laugh line; dermatoglyphic; frown line; line of life, life line, lifeline; line of heart, heart line, love line, mensal line; line of fate, line of destiny, line of Saturn
    Derived forms: verb crinkle2, verb crinkle1
Verb crinkle has 2 senses
  1. wrinkle, ruckle, crease, crinkle, scrunch, scrunch up, crisp - make wrinkles or creases into a smooth surface; "The dress got wrinkled"
    --1 is one way to fold, fold up, turn up
    Derived form: noun crinkle1
    Sample sentence:
    They crinkle the sheets
  2. rumple, crumple, wrinkle, crease, crinkle - become wrinkled or crumpled or creased; "This fabric won't wrinkle"
    --2 is one way to fold, fold up
    Derived form: noun crinkle1
    Sample sentences:
    The sheets didn't crinkle
    These fabrics crinkle easily
cringed cringeworthy cringing cringle cringled crining crinion crinkle-root crinkle crinkle root crinkled crinkleroot crinkling crinkling eyes crinkly crinoid crinoidea

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