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Definitions from WordNet

Noun crinoidea has 1 sense
  1. Crinoidea, class Crinoidea - sea lilies
    --1 is a kind of class
    --1 is a member of Echinodermata, phylum Echinodermata
    --1 has members:
     crinoid; Ptilocrinus, genus Ptilocrinus; Antedonidae, family Antedonidae

Definitions from the Web

Term: Crinoidea


Crinoidea is a class of marine animals, commonly known as sea lilies or feather stars, which belong to the phylum Echinodermata. They are characterized by a flower-like body with a central stalk and numerous feathery arms that they use for capturing food particles from the water.

Sample sentences:

1. The Crinoidea class includes both living and extinct species of sea lilies and feather stars.

2. The delicate arms of the Crinoidea sway gracefully in the ocean currents.

3. Fossilized Crinoidea specimens provide important insights into ancient marine ecosystems.

Related Products on Amazon:

- Crinoidea: Morphology, Taxonomy, Ecology, and Evolution

- Sea Lilies: Multidisciplinary Approaches to the Crinoidea

- Feather Stars: A Guide to the Crinoids of the Western Atlantic

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