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chorus line


Definitions from WordNet

Noun chorus line has 1 sense
  1. chorus, chorus line - a body of dancers or singers who perform together
    --1 is a kind of line
    --1 has members: chorus girl, showgirl, chorine
    --1 has particulars: corps de ballet, ensemble

Definitions from the Web

Chorus Line


A chorus line refers to a group of performers in a musical or theatrical production who sing and dance together as one unit. They provide background vocals and perform synchronized dance routines to support the main cast.

Example Sentences:

  1. The chorus line showcased exceptional coordination and energy throughout the entire performance.
  2. She auditioned for a spot in the chorus line and was thrilled when she got selected.
  3. The choreographer worked tirelessly with the chorus line to perfect their moves.
  4. In her younger years, she used to be a part of a famous chorus line in Broadway.

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