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chorus frog


Definitions from WordNet

Noun chorus frog has 1 sense
  1. chorus frog - any of several small North American frogs having a loud call
    --1 is a kind of
    tree toad, tree frog, tree-frog
    --1 is a member of Pseudacris, genus Pseudacris

Definitions from the Web

Chorus Frog

Definition: A small-sized frog belonging to the family Hylidae, known for their distinct and melodious chorus-like calls.

1. Noun

Sense: A type of frog that sings in a chorus, often found near bodies of water.

Example Sentence: The chorus frog started its enchanting serenade as the sun set over the pond.

2. Noun

Sense: The synchronized sound produced by a group of chorus frogs.

Example Sentence: The chorus of the frogs echoed through the evening, creating a tranquil atmosphere.

3. Adjective

Sense: Pertaining to or characteristic of a chorus frog.

Example Sentence: The biologist conducted extensive research on the chorus frog population in the region.

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