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Definitions from WordNet

Noun australasia has 1 sense
  1. Australasia - Australia, New Zealand, and neighboring islands in the South Pacific
    --1 is a kind of
    --1 is a part of Pacific, Pacific Ocean

Definitions from the Web



Australasia refers to the region in the Southern Hemisphere that includes Australia, New Zealand, and the surrounding islands in the Pacific Ocean. It is a term commonly used to describe this particular part of the world.

Sample sentences:

  1. The vibrant culture of Australasia attracts many tourists from around the globe.
  2. Australasia is known for its diverse wildlife, including kangaroos, koalas, and kiwis.
  3. The economies of Australia and New Zealand are closely linked, making Australasia an important trading hub.
  4. Many stunning beaches can be found throughout Australasia, offering ideal spots for sunbathing and surfing.
  5. Australasia's indigenous peoples have a rich history and distinctive traditions.

Related Products (Amazon search):

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