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austin friars


Definitions from WordNet

Noun austin friar has 1 sense
  1. Austin Friar - one of the Roman Catholic hermits of Saint Augustine
    --1 is a kind of
    Augustinian order; Augustinian; Augustinian order; Augustinian

Definitions from the Web

Austin Friars


1. A street in the City of London, named after a monastery that was once situated there.

Sample Sentence: The historic Austin Friars has several 18th-century buildings that have been preserved.


2. A friary or monastery of the Augustinian order in various locations.

Sample Sentence: There used to be an Austin Friars in the countryside, but it was destroyed during the Reformation.


3. A school or college operated by the Augustinian order.

Sample Sentence: The students at Austin Friars have the opportunity to study a wide range of subjects.

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