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Definitions from the Web

Term: Australia-Based

Definition: Referring to someone or something that is located, established, or originated in Australia or has strong associations with Australia.

Parts of Speech:

- Adjective: referring to someone or something having a base or origin in Australia.

Senses and Usages:

1. Adjective: Having operations, headquarters, or main offices situated in Australia.

Example sentence: The Australia-based company is known for its commitment to sustainable practices.

2. Adjective: Relating to a person who is from Australia or currently resides there.

Example sentence: The talented Australia-based artist is gaining international recognition for her unique sculptures.

3. Adjective: Characteristic of or associated with the culture, lifestyle, or traditions of Australia.

Example sentence: The restaurant offers an authentic Australia-based dining experience with its range of traditional Australian dishes.

Possible Related Products:

- Australia-based companies

- Australia-based artists

- Australia-based dining experiences

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