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Noun acknowledgment has 3 senses
  1. recognition, acknowledgment, acknowledgement - the state or quality of being recognized or acknowledged; "the partners were delighted with the recognition of their work"; "she seems to avoid much in the way of recognition or acknowledgement of feminist work prior to her own"
    --1 is a kind of acceptance
    Derived forms: verb acknowledge1, verb acknowledge6
  2. citation, acknowledgment, credit, reference, mention, quotation - a short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage; "the student's essay failed to list several important citations"; "the acknowledgments are usually printed at the front of a book"; "the article includes mention of similar clinical cases"
    --2 is a kind of note, annotation, notation
    --2 has particulars: photo credit; cross-reference, cross-index
    Derived form: verb acknowledge3
  3. acknowledgment, acknowledgement - a statement acknowledging something or someone; "she must have seen him but she gave no sign of acknowledgment"; "the preface contained an acknowledgment of those who had helped her"
    --3 is a kind of message, content, subject matter, substance
    --3 has particulars:
     credits; receipt; farewell, word of farewell; greeting, salutation; aloha, ciao; handshake, shake, handshaking, handclasp; apology; mea culpa; condolence, commiseration; declination, regrets; admission; thanks
    Derived forms: verb acknowledge3, verb acknowledge4, verb acknowledge6
acknowledge acknowledgeable acknowledged acknowledgement acknowledgements acknowledges acknowledging acknowledgingly acknowledgment acknowledgments acknowlegde acknowlegdement acknowlege acknowlegment acknownledgement acl aclaim

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