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Definitions from WordNet

Verb zigzag has 1 sense
  1. zigzag, crank - travel along a zigzag path; "The river zigzags through the countryside"
    --1 is one way to travel, go, move, locomote
    Derived form: noun zigzag1
    Sample sentence:
    They zigzag up the hill

Definitions from the Web



Zigzagging is the action of moving or traveling in sharp, alternating, or winding turns or directions, resembling a series of connected zigzags.

Parts of Speech

Verb: Zigzag

Adjective: Zigzagging

Noun: Zigzagger


1. Verb

Sense: Move in a zigzag pattern or course.

Example sentence: The athlete zigzagged through the defenders and scored a breathtaking goal.

2. Adjective

Sense: Describing an action or movement that is characterized by sharp, alternating, or winding turns.

Example sentence: The zigzagging path through the mountain offered stunning views at every turn.

3. Noun

Sense: A person who habitually moves or travels in a zigzag pattern.

Example sentence: The skilled zigzagger effortlessly maneuvered through traffic.

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