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Noun zest has 2 senses
  1. gusto, relish, zest, zestfulness - vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment
    --1 is a kind of enjoyment; enthusiasm
  2. nip, piquance, piquancy, tang, tanginess, zest - a tart spiciness
    --2 is a kind of spiciness, spice, spicery
    Derived form: verb zest1
Verb zest has 1 sense
  1. zest, spice, spice up - add herbs or spices to
    --1 is one way to season, flavor, flavour
    Derived form: noun zest2
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s something
zeroes zeroing in on zerolo zeros zeroth zeroth law of thermodynamics zerouali zeroville zest zestful zestfully zestfulness zestily zestril zests zesty zeta

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