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working memory


Definitions from WordNet

Noun working memory has 1 sense
  1. working memory - memory for intermediate results that must be held during thinking
    --1 is a kind of
    memory, remembering

Definitions from the Web

Working Memory


Working memory refers to a cognitive system responsible for temporarily storing and manipulating information necessary for complex tasks.


Sense 1 - Psychology

In psychology, working memory is a cognitive process that allows temporary storage and manipulation of information in order to complete a specific task efficiently.

Sense 2 - Neuroscience

In neuroscience, working memory refers to the limited capacity information processing system that enables the temporary storage, manipulation, and retrieval of information in the brain.


Usage 1 - Learning

In educational settings, working memory plays a crucial role in learning as it helps students to retain and actively process new information in their working memory while engaging in various academic tasks.

Usage 2 - Problem Solving

Working memory is essential for problem-solving tasks, allowing individuals to hold relevant information in mind while searching for a solution.

Usage 3 - Multitasking

In today's fast-paced world, working memory is crucial for multitasking. It enables individuals to hold multiple pieces of information simultaneously and switch between different tasks efficiently.

Sample Sentences

1. Jane struggled with the math problem because her working memory capacity was limited.

2. The student relied on their working memory to remember the key points during the lecture.

3. As a researcher, it is important to have a strong working memory to keep track of multiple variables and make accurate observations.

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