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wiggle room


Definitions from WordNet

Noun wiggle room has 1 sense
  1. wiggle room - flexibility of interpretation or of options; "the request left some wiggle room for future restructuring"
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web

Wiggle Room


Wiggle room refers to the freedom or flexibility to negotiate, maneuver, or make adjustments in a given situation. It implies having some leeway or space to deviate from strict rules, expectations, or constraints.

Sample Sentences:

  1. After careful consideration, the company provided its employees with some wiggle room to negotiate their working hours.
  2. When purchasing a car, it is advisable to leave some wiggle room in your budget for potential unexpected costs.
  3. She managed to negotiate a contract that allowed plenty of wiggle room for future amendments.
  4. The government announced new regulations but promised there would be wiggle room for businesses to comply.

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