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Definitions from WordNet

Noun wigging has 1 sense
  1. wig, wigging - British slang for a scolding
    --1 is a kind of chiding, scolding, objurgation, tongue-lashing

Definitions from the Web



1. Definition: A reprimanding or scolding of someone.

Example sentence: After breaking the vase, Tim received a severe wigging from his mother.

Related products: You might be interested in browsing wigs on Amazon.


1. Definition: To reprimand or scold someone sharply.

Example sentence: The teacher wigged the students who were misbehaving in class.

Related products: You might be interested in browsing books on effective communication techniques on Amazon.


1. Definition: Popular; commonly known or used.

Example sentence: The character wearing a bright green wig became instantly wigging amongst the audience.

Related products: You might be interested in browsing trendy products on Amazon.

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