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Definitions from WordNet
Adjective wide of the mark has 1 sense
- wide, wide of the mark - not on target; "the kick was wide"; "the arrow was wide of the mark"; "a claim that was wide of the truth"
Antonym: accurate (indirect, via inaccurate)
Definitions from the Web
Term: wide of the mark
Incorrect, inaccurate, or not reaching the intended target or goal.
Parts of Speech:
- Adjective: wide of the mark
- Adverb: widely off the mark
- To describe something that misses the target or goal.
- To indicate a lack of accuracy or correctness in a statement or opinion.
- The archer's arrow was wide of the mark, landing far from the bullseye.
- Her interpretation of the data was wide of the mark, overlooking crucial aspects.
- Despite his efforts, he was widely off the mark in predicting the election results.
- The comedian's jokes went widely off the mark and failed to elicit any laughter.
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