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wide of the mark


Definitions from WordNet

Adjective wide of the mark has 1 sense
  1. wide, wide of the mark - not on target; "the kick was wide"; "the arrow was wide of the mark"; "a claim that was wide of the truth"
    Antonym: accurate (indirect, via inaccurate)

Definitions from the Web

Term: wide of the mark


Incorrect, inaccurate, or not reaching the intended target or goal.

Parts of Speech:

  • Adjective: wide of the mark
  • Adverb: widely off the mark


  1. To describe something that misses the target or goal.
  2. To indicate a lack of accuracy or correctness in a statement or opinion.



  1. The archer's arrow was wide of the mark, landing far from the bullseye.
  2. Her interpretation of the data was wide of the mark, overlooking crucial aspects.


  1. Despite his efforts, he was widely off the mark in predicting the election results.
  2. The comedian's jokes went widely off the mark and failed to elicit any laughter.

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