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white man's burden


Definitions from WordNet

Noun white man's burden has 1 sense
  1. white man's burden - the supposed responsibility of the white race to take of their non-white subjects
    --1 is a kind of
    duty, responsibility, obligation

Definitions from the Web

White Man's Burden


The term "White Man's Burden" refers to the belief held by colonial powers in the past that it was their responsibility and duty to civilize and educate the non-white and less developed nations or peoples they colonized. It represents the idea of paternalistic superiority and the moral obligation of white colonizers to bring progress and civilization to others.


Sense 1:

(Noun) The concept of the assumed responsibility carried by the white colonizers to bring their civilization to other nations.

Example sentence: The "White Man's Burden" was used as a justification for the colonization of Africa during the 19th century.

Sense 2:

(Noun) The criticism of the notion that white colonizers had inherent superiority and the right to interfere in other cultures.

Example sentence: The poem "The White Man's Burden" by Rudyard Kipling reflects both imperialist attitudes and a critique of such attitudes.

Sense 3:

(Phrase) Used colloquially to describe a heavy responsibility or burden placed on someone, regardless of race.

Example sentence: As a CEO, making difficult decisions is her "white man's burden" in running the company.

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