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wedding guest


Definitions from WordNet

Noun wedding guest has 1 sense
  1. wedding guest - a guest at a wedding
    --1 is a kind of
    guest, invitee

Definitions from the Web

Wedding Guest

Noun: A person who attends a wedding ceremony or reception.

Example sentence: Sarah and John invited over 200 wedding guests to celebrate their special day.

Senses and Usages:

  1. Sense: Attire

    Noun: The clothing worn by guests attending a wedding.

    Example sentence: Please make sure to inform the wedding guests about the specific attire requirements, such as black tie or casual.

    Related products: Wedding Guest Dresses, Wedding Guest Attire

  2. Sense: Etiquette

    Noun: The customs and behaviors expected from wedding guests.

    Example sentence: It is proper wedding guest etiquette to RSVP promptly and inform the couple if you are unable to attend.

    Related products: Wedding Etiquette Books, Wedding Guest Books

  3. Sense: Accommodation

    Noun: A place where wedding guests can stay overnight, usually a hotel.

    Example sentence: The couple reserved a block of rooms at a nearby hotel for their out-of-town wedding guests.

    Related products: Wedding Guest Accommodation, Wedding Guest Books

  4. Sense: Role

    Noun: A person who has a specific responsibility or role during the wedding ceremony or reception.

    Example sentence: Mary was asked to be the maid of honor, and John was chosen as one of the groomsmen among the wedding guests.

    Related products: Wedding Guest Books, Wedding Guest Favors

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