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Definitions from the WebVibratonNoun - Singular:A vibrational device designed to provide relaxation and stress relief by creating soothing vibrations. Sample Sentence:After a long day at work, she decided to use her vibraton to unwind and relax. ![]() Noun - Plural:A series of continuous oscillations or waves that create a specific frequency or pattern. Sample Sentence:The sound technicians adjusted the vibratons of the speakers for optimal audio quality. ![]() Verb:To vibrate or oscillate rapidly. Sample Sentence:The phone vibratoned on the table, indicating a new message. ![]() Adjective:Describing a person or thing that exudes energy, excitement, or enthusiasm. Sample Sentence:The vibranton crowd cheered and applauded as the performer took the stage. ![]() | ||||
vibrate vibrates vibrating vibrating reed vibration vibrational vibrations vibrato vibraton vibrator vibratory vibratto vibrio vibrio comma vibrio fetus vibrion vibrionic