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uterine cavity


Definitions from WordNet

Noun uterine cavity has 1 sense
  1. uterine cavity - the space inside the uterus between the cervical canal and the Fallopian tubes
    --1 is a kind of
    cavity, bodily cavity, cavum
    --1 is a part of uterus, womb

Definitions from the Web

Uterine Cavity


The uterine cavity is the hollow space within the uterus, also known as the womb, where a fertilized egg implants and grows during pregnancy.

Example sentence:

During an ultrasound, the doctor carefully examined the uterine cavity to check for any abnormalities.


The term "uterine cavity" may also be used as an adjective to describe anything related to or located within the uterine cavity.

Example sentence:

The uterine cavity lining undergoes changes throughout a woman's menstrual cycle.

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