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Definitions from the Web



An utensil is a tool or implement used for practical purposes, especially in cooking, eating, or serving food.

Sample sentences:

  1. I need a spoon, fork, and knife, all utensils necessary for eating a meal.
  2. Mary used several kitchen utensils while preparing the delicious dinner.
  3. The chef skillfully handled the cooking utensils to create a delectable dish.


  • Sense 1: A tool used for cooking or serving food.
  • Sense 2: An implement used for eating, such as a fork, knife, or spoon.


  • Usage 1: The utensils in the kitchen drawer were neatly organized.
  • Usage 2: The family gathered around the table, each with a utensil in hand.
  • Usage 3: The restaurant advertised its new line of premium utensils.

To explore and purchase various utensils, you may check out the following related products on Amazon.

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