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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective unpersuadable has 1 sense
  1. unpersuadable, unsuasible - not susceptible to persuasion
    Antonym: susceptible (indirect, via unsusceptible)

Definitions from the Web



Adjective: Referring to someone who cannot be convinced or swayed by reasoning or arguments.

Noun: An individual who is resistant to persuasion or unable to be convinced.



  1. Despite presenting a well-researched case, she remained unpersuadable and refused to change her mind.
  2. The politician's stance on the issue was unpersuadable, often leading to heated debates.
  3. John's stubbornness made him completely unpersuadable, causing frustration among his friends.


  1. The group of unpersuadables grew in number, making it difficult to achieve a consensus.
  2. When it came to trying new foods, she was an unpersuadable and stuck to her limited preferences.
  3. Dealing with unpersuadables in the negotiation process can prolong reaching a mutually beneficial agreement.

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