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Definitions from WordNet

Noun unpermissiveness has 1 sense
  1. unpermissiveness - lack of permissiveness or indulgence
    --1 is a kind of
    disposition, temperament
    Antonyms: permissiveness, tolerance
    --1 has particulars: sternness, strictness

Definitions from the Web



Unpermissiveness refers to the quality or state of not being permissive, not allowing or granting permission. It describes a situation or attitude where strict rules and regulations are enforced, and little or no leeway is given.


Sense 1: Lack of tolerance or acceptance.

Sense 2: Refusal to grant permission or license.

Sense 3: Strict adherence to rules and regulations.

Sample Sentences:

Sense 1:

  1. The unpermissiveness of the group led to the exclusion of diverse ideas.
  2. Her unpermissiveness towards different lifestyles made it difficult for her to make friends.

Sense 2:

  1. The unpermissiveness of the authority resulted in delayed and complicated procedures.
  2. Due to the unpermissiveness of the city council, the event organizers had to seek alternative locations.

Sense 3:

  1. The unpermissiveness of the school policy forbade any kind of personalization.
  2. The unpermissiveness of the traffic regulations made driving in the city a frustrating experience.

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