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Definitions from WordNet

Adverbial unfaithfully has 1 sense
  1. unfaithfully, undependably, unreliably - in an unfaithful undependable unreliable manner
    Antonyms: faithfully, dependably, reliably
    Derived from adjective unfaithful1

Definitions from the Web



  1. Adverb:

    In a manner that demonstrates a lack of faithfulness or loyalty.

    Example sentence: She unfaithfully cheated on her partner, causing the trust to be shattered.

  2. Adverb:

    In a way that deviates from the truth or accuracy.

    Example sentence: The witness unfaithfully testified under oath, leading to a wrongful conviction.

  3. Adverb:

    In a manner that does not adhere to a religious or moral commitment.

    Example sentence: The priest unfaithfully broke his vows, leaving his congregation disappointed.

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