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Definitions from WordNet

Noun tumefaction has 1 sense
  1. tumefaction - the process of tumefying; the organic process whereby tissue becomes swollen by the accumulation of fluid within it
    --1 is a kind of
    organic process, biological process
    Derived forms: verb tumefy1, verb tumefy2

Definitions from the Web



A tumefaction refers to the abnormal swelling or enlargement of a body part caused by inflammation, injury, or a medical condition.


As a Noun:

  • The patient developed a painful tumefaction on his ankle after spraining it during the basketball game.
  • The doctor observed a tumefaction on the patient's abdomen, requiring further examination.

As a Verb:

  • The mosquito bite caused the area to tumefy and resulted in a small tumefaction on my arm.
  • The autoimmune disease can cause the joints to tumefy, leading to significant tumefaction and discomfort.

Other Usages:

  • The tumefaction in her voice revealed her excitement as she received the prestigious award.
  • The tumefaction of the crowd outside the stadium indicated the massive popularity of the music concert.

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