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Definitions from WordNet

Noun truncheon has 1 sense
  1. truncheon, nightstick, billy, billystick, billy club - a short stout club used primarily by policemen
    --1 is a kind of club

Definitions from the Web



A truncheon is a short stick or baton typically carried by police officers as a symbol of authority.


Noun (Law Enforcement Tool)

  1. The police officer used a truncheon to control the unruly crowd.
  2. Carrying a truncheon is part of the standard equipment for law enforcement personnel.
  3. The truncheon is commonly used for self-defense purposes by police officers.

Noun (Symbol of Authority)

  1. The truncheon is a recognizable emblem of police officers around the world.
  2. The commander handed over the truncheon to the newly appointed chief.
  3. The officer brandished his truncheon to assert his authority.

Verb (hit with a truncheon)

  1. The rioters were forcefully truncheoned by the police.
  2. The officer truncheoned the suspect to subdue him during the arrest.
  3. Truncheoning should only be used as a last resort by law enforcement.

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