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Noun trouble-maker has 1 sense
  1. troublemaker, trouble maker, troubler, mischief-maker, bad hat - someone who deliberately stirs up trouble
    --1 is a kind of unwelcome person, persona non grata
    --1 has particulars:
     agitator, fomenter; disturber; heckler, badgerer; hellion, heller, devil; hellhound; instigator, provoker, inciter, instigant, firebrand; loudmouth, blusterer; prankster, cut-up, trickster, tricker, hoaxer, practical joker; rioter
trotters trotting trotting trotting horse trou-de-loup troubadour troubadours trouble-free trouble-maker trouble-makers trouble-shoot trouble trouble maker trouble oneself trouble shoot trouble shooter trouble shooting

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