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Definitions from WordNet

Adverbial tritely has 1 sense
  1. tritely - in a trite manner; "tritely expressed emotions"
    Derived from adjective

Definitions from the Web

Term: tritely

Part of Speech: Adverb

Sense: 1

Definition: In a manner that is lacking originality or freshness.

Example Sentence:

"The comedian delivered his jokes tritely, failing to elicit laughter from the audience."

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Sense: 2

Definition: In a manner that is overused or clichéd.

Example Sentence:

"The author resorted to using tritely phrased expressions, resulting in a predictable storyline."

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Sense: 3

Definition: In a manner that lacks creativity or uniqueness.

Example Sentence:

"The movie relied on tritely edited action sequences, leaving the audience unimpressed."

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