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Term: Translucent


Translucent refers to something that allows light to pass through, but diffuses it in a way that objects behind it cannot be seen clearly. The term can be used to describe both literal and figurative situations.

Parts of Speech:

  • Adjective
  • Verb (rare)

Senses and Usages:

Sense 1:

Adjective: Allowing light to pass through, but not completely transparent.

Example sentence: The stained glass windows in the cathedral created a beautiful, translucent effect when the sun shone through them.

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Sense 2:

Adjective: Easily understandable or comprehensible.

Example sentence: The speaker used simple and translucent language to explain complex scientific concepts to the audience.

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Sense 3:

Adjective: Hinting at or revealing something, but not directly stating or exposing it.

Example sentence: The author's subtle and translucent writing style left the readers to interpret the hidden meanings in the story.

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Sense 4:

Verb (rare usage): To make something translucent or render it semi-transparent.

Example sentence: The artist applied a thin layer of glaze to translucent the colors of the painting, creating a unique visual effect.

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