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Translate, as a verb, means to convert the words or text of one language into another language. It involves understanding the meaning of the original language and expressing it in a corresponding way in a different language.

As a noun, translate refers to a translated version of a text or a work, usually from one language to another.

Sense 1 - Verb:

To translate can mean converting written or spoken words from one language into another language. It involves understanding the original meaning and conveying it accurately in the target language. Translating helps bridge language barriers and aids in communication.

Sample Sentence 1:

She decided to translate the novel from French to English to make it accessible to a wider audience.

Sample Sentence 2:

The website offers a user-friendly interface to easily translate phrases and sentences in multiple languages.

Sample Sentence 3:

As an English teacher, he has the skill to fluently translate complex texts.

Sense 2 - Noun:

Translate, as a noun, refers to the translated version of a text or work.

Sample Sentence 1:

The publisher released the Spanish translate of the bestselling book.

Sample Sentence 2:

The translate of the poem beautifully captured the essence of the original work.

Related Products:

Here are some related products on Amazon:

1. "The Translation Studies Reader" by Lawrence Venuti - [Search on Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=The+Translation+Studies+Reader)

2. "The Translator's Invisibility: A History of Translation" by Lawrence Venuti - [Search on Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=The+Translator%27s+Invisibility%3A+A+History+of+Translation)

3. "Bilingual Visual Dictionary" - [Search on Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Bilingual+Visual+Dictionary)

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