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toy box


Definitions from WordNet

Noun toy box has 1 sense
  1. toy box, toy chest - chest for storage of toys
    --1 is a kind of chest

Definitions from the Web

Toy Box


A toy box refers to a container or storage unit specifically designed for holding and organizing toys. It acts as a dedicated space for storing toys when they are not in use, helping to maintain a clutter-free environment in a play area or children's room. Toy boxes come in various sizes, materials, and styles, allowing for customization and personalization based on the individual's preferences.


As a noun:

  1. I bought a spacious toy box to keep all my child's toys organized.
  2. When she opened the lid of the toy box, her eyes sparkled with joy.

As a phrasal noun:

  1. The kids rushed towards the toy box when they saw a new addition to their collection.
  2. We keep the toy box in the living room for easy access during playtime.

As an adjective:

  1. The toy box makeover project involved repainting and adding cute decals.
  2. My nephew's toy box collection is an impressive display of various characters and themes.

As a verb (informal, imaginary usage):

  1. She toy boxed the room, carefully placing each toy in its designated spot.
  2. Let's toy box these toys before organizing the rest of the room.

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