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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective tonal has 2 senses
  1. tonic, tonal - employing variations in pitch to distinguish meanings of otherwise similar words; "Chinese is a tonal language"
  2. tonal - having tonality; i.e. tones and chords organized in relation to one tone such as a keynote or tonic
    atonal, unkeyed

Definitions from the Web




  1. Relating to or characterized by tone or sound.
  2. Relating to or denoting a system of tones used in a particular language or dialect.
  3. Concerned with or relating to tone as a part of a musical scale.
  4. Having various tones or shades of color.

Example Sentences:

  1. The tonal quality of the singer's voice captivated the audience.
  2. Some tonal languages use pitch or intonation to distinguish between words.
  3. The tonal center of the composition is in the key of C major.
  4. The artist used tonal variations to create depth and dimension in the painting.

Related Products:

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