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Definitions from WordNet

Noun tollman has 1 sense
  1. tollkeeper, tollman, tollgatherer, toll collector, toll taker, toll agent, toller - someone employed to collect tolls
    --1 is a kind of employee

Definitions from the Web



Sense 1: A person who collects a toll, especially at a toll booth.

Example sentence: The tollman politely collected the fee from the drivers passing through the toll booth.


Sense 2: A surname of German origin.

Example sentence: My friend's last name is Tollman, and it has been passed down through several generations.


Sense 1: Referring to an item or practice that is popular or well-liked by a community.

Example sentence: The tollman shirt has become a popular fashion trend among teenagers.


Sense 2: Specific to a particular locality or region.

Example sentence: The restaurant serves some delicious tollman dishes from the local cuisine.

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