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Definitions from WordNet

Noun tollgate has 1 sense
  1. tollgate, tollbar - a gate or bar across a toll bridge or toll road which is lifted when the toll is paid
    --1 is a kind of gate

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Tollgates refer to physical barriers or stations placed on roads, bridges, or highways where a fee, known as a toll, is collected for passage. These checkpoints are typically installed to finance the construction, maintenance, and operation of the road network.

Sample Sentences

  • The tollgates on the highway ensure that the road infrastructure is adequately funded.
  • We had to stop at several tollgates during our road trip.
  • Passing through the tollgates can sometimes cause a delay in reaching your destination.
  • The tollgate operator was friendly and efficiently managed the flow of traffic.
  • As we approached the tollgate, we realized we had forgotten to bring any cash.

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