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think back


Definitions from WordNet

Verb think back has 1 sense
  1. remember, think back - recapture the past; indulge in memories; "he remembered how he used to pick flowers"
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s
    Somebody ----s something

Definitions from the Web

Term: think back

Part of Speech: Verb phrase

Sense 1: To recall or remember past events or experiences.

Example Sentence 1: I often think back to my childhood when life was simpler.

Example Sentence 2: Let's think back and try to remember what happened that day.

Example Sentence 3: Thinking back, I realize now how much I have grown since then.

Sense 2: To reflect on a previous decision or action.

Example Sentence 1: I think back on that decision and wonder if I made the right choice.

Example Sentence 2: It's important to think back and learn from our past mistakes.

Example Sentence 3: She often thinks back on her youth and the opportunities she missed.

Sense 3: To revisit or review a specific point in time.

Example Sentence 1: The movie takes us on a journey, making us think back to the 1980s.

Example Sentence 2: As I think back to that moment, I can still feel the excitement and anticipation.

Example Sentence 3: Thinking back to our wedding day brings a smile to my face.

Sense 4 (Local): To consider or reconsider something specific to a particular location or region.

Example Sentence 1: When we think back on our travels, that quaint café in Paris always comes to mind.

Example Sentence 2: As I think back to our vacation in Hawaii, the pristine beaches and warm sun immediately transport me there.

Example Sentence 3: Whenever I think back to our road trip, I can't help but remember the stunning landscapes of the Grand Canyon.

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