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A colloquial term used to refer to an object, item, or gadget when the actual name is unknown, forgotten, or irrelevant.

Thingy can also be used to describe something in a vague or non-specific manner when the speaker wants to avoid using a precise term.


Sense 1:

noun - A thing or object whose actual name or identity is unknown or unimportant.

Example: Can you hand me that small, metallic thingy over there?

Sense 2:

noun - A generic term used to describe an unspecified object or gadget.

Example: I need to buy a new thingy for my computer to connect it with the TV.

Sense 3:

adjective - Used to describe something vague, non-specific, or lacking a precise term.

Example: The movie was good, but the thingy at the end ruined it for me.

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