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Adjective temporal has 6 senses
  1. temporal - not eternal; "temporal matters of but fleeting moment"- F.D.Roosevelt
    permanent, lasting (indirect, via impermanent)
  2. temporal - of or relating to or limited by time; "temporal processing"; "temporal dimensions"; "temporal and spacial boundaries"; "music is a temporal art"
  3. temporal - of or relating to the temples (the sides of the skull behind the orbit); "temporal bone"
  4. temporal - of the material world; "temporal possessions of the church"
    unworldly (indirect, via worldly)
  5. temporal, worldly - concerned with secular rather than sacred matters; "lords temporal and spiritual"
    Antonym: sacred (indirect, via profane)
  6. temporal - of this earth or world; "temporal joys"; "our temporal existence"
    heavenly (indirect, via earthly)
Noun temporal has 1 sense
  1. temporal role, temporal - the semantic role of the noun phrase that designating the time of the state or action denoted by the verb
    --1 is a kind of semantic role, participant role
templete templeton templetonia templetonia retusa templte tempo tempo primo tempora temporal temporal arrangement temporal arteritis temporal artery temporal bone temporal canthus temporal gyrus temporal line temporal lobe

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