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Noun talc has 1 sense
  1. talc, talcum - a fine grained mineral having a soft soapy feel and consisting of hydrated magnesium silicate; used in a variety of products including talcum powder
    --1 is a kind of mineral
    --1 is a substance of talcum, talcum powder
    --1 has particulars:
     soapstone, soaprock, soap-rock, steatite; French chalk; rensselaerite
    Derived form: verb talc1
Verb talc has 1 sense
  1. talc - apply talcum powder to (one's body)
    --1 is one way to
    Derived form: noun talc1
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s something
talabani taladaga taladega talancina talant talapoin talaria talbot talc talcam powder talcott parsons talcum talcum powder tale taleban talebearer talebearing

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