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Adjective stumbling has 1 sense
- lurching, stumbling, staggering, weaving - walking unsteadily; "a stqaggering gait"
Antonym: steady (indirect, via unsteady)
Verb stumble has 4 senses
- stumble, falter, bumble - walk unsteadily; "The drunk man stumbled about"
--1 is one way to walk
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s
Somebody ----s PP
- stumble, trip - miss a step and fall or nearly fall; "She stumbled over the tree root"
--2 is one way to move
Sample sentence:
Sam and Sue stumble
- stumble, hit - encounter by chance; "I stumbled across a long-lost cousin last night in a restaurant"
--3 is one way to come by
Sample sentence:
Somebody ----s PP
- stumble, slip up, trip up - make an error; "She slipped up and revealed the name"
--4 is one way to err, mistake, slip
Sample sentence:
Somebody ----s