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stratified sampling


Definitions from WordNet

Noun stratified sampling has 1 sense
  1. stratified sampling, representative sampling, proportional sampling - the population is divided into subpopulations (strata) and random samples are taken of each stratum
    --1 is a kind of sampling

Definitions from the Web

Term: Stratified Sampling


Stratified sampling is a statistical sampling technique where the population is divided into homogeneous groups called strata, and a sample is taken from each stratum to ensure representation of the entire population.

Sense 1:

Part of Speech: Noun

Definition: A method of sampling where the population is divided into various strata based on certain characteristics or properties, and a proportionate sample is selected from each stratum.

Example Sentence:

In a research study on consumer preferences, stratified sampling was used to gather data by dividing the participants into strata based on their age groups.

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Sense 2:

Part of Speech: Verb

Definition: The action of implementing the stratified sampling technique to gather representative data from a population.

Example Sentence:

The research team decided to stratified sample the population to ensure accurate representation of various demographic groups.

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