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Noun stifle has 1 sense
  1. stifle, knee - joint between the femur and tibia in a quadruped; corresponds to the human knee
    --1 is a kind of joint, articulation, articulatio
    --1 is a part of hind leg
Verb stifle has 4 senses
  1. smother, stifle, strangle, muffle, repress - conceal or hide; "smother a yawn"; "muffle one's anger"; "strangle a yawn"
    --1 is one way to suppress, stamp down, inhibit, subdue, conquer, curb
    Derived forms: noun stifler1, noun stifling1
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s something
    Somebody ----s somebody
    Something ----s somebody
    Something ----s something
  2. stifle, dampen - smother or suppress; "Stifle your curiosity"
    --2 is one way to suppress, stamp down, inhibit, subdue, conquer, curb
    Antonyms: stimulate, excite
    Derived form: noun stifler1
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s something
    Something ----s something
  3. suffocate, stifle, asphyxiate, choke - impair the respiration of or obstruct the air passage of; "The foul air was slowly suffocating the children"
    --3 is one way to obstruct, obturate, impede, occlude, jam, block, close up
    Sample sentences:
    Something ----s somebody
    Something ----s something
  4. suffocate, stifle, asphyxiate - be asphyxiated; die from lack of oxygen; "The child suffocated under the pillow"
    --4 is one way to die, decease, perish, go, exit, pass away, expire, pass
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s
stiffey stiffle stiffler stiffly stiffners stiffness stiffnesspain stiffy stifle stifled stifler stifles stifling stifund stigimata stigma stigmal

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