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stick used for stirring


Definitions from the Web

Stick Used for Stirring


A stick used for stirring refers to a long, slender object primarily utilized in the act of mixing or stirring ingredients in food preparation.

Examples of Usage:


1. He grabbed a wooden stick used for stirring to mix the ingredients for the cake batter.

2. The recipe called for a metal stick used for stirring to blend the spices into the sauce.

3. Please remember to sanitize the stick used for stirring after each use.


1. She gently stirred the soup with a stick used for stirring to distribute the flavors evenly.

2. The chef expertly used a stick used for stirring to incorporate the butter into the dough.

3. He carefully stirred the paint with a stick used for stirring, ensuring the color was well-mixed.


1. The chef preferred using a long stick used for stirring to reach the bottom of the pot.

2. In the local market, you can find sticks used for stirring made from various materials.

3. The wooden stick used for stirring provided a rustic touch to the traditional cooking method.

Related Products:

To explore various sticks used for stirring available on Amazon, check out the following link: Amazon - Stirring Stick

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