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spirit up


Definitions from WordNet

Verb spirit up has 1 sense
  1. spirit, spirit up, inspirit - infuse with spirit; "The company spirited him up"
    --1 is one way to enliven, liven, liven up, invigorate, animate
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s somebody
    Something ----s somebody

Definitions from the Web

Spirit Up


1. (verb) To uplift someone's mood or inspire someone with enthusiasm.

2. (verb) To invigorate or encourage oneself, especially during challenging times.

3. (noun) A type of alcoholic beverage or cocktail known for its refreshing and energetic qualities.

4. (phrase) A popular local saying, expressing the act of encouraging and supporting others.


1. Verb - To uplift someone's mood:

- After a long day at work, Sarah's positive and kind words managed to spirit up her colleague.

- The motivational speaker's speech greatly spirit up the audience, leaving them inspired and motivated.

2. Verb - To invigorate or encourage oneself:

- Despite facing numerous setbacks, John always finds a way to spirit up and keep pursuing his dreams.

- Jenny listened to her favorite music to spirit herself up before a crucial exam.

3. Noun - A type of alcoholic beverage or cocktail:

- The beach bar offers a delicious spirit up made of vodka, lime juice, and mint leaves.

- Julie enjoyed sipping on a cold and refreshing spirit up while lounging by the pool.

4. Phrase - A popular local saying:

- In our community, we always spirit up each other when someone is facing challenges.

- The annual sports event is an opportunity for the whole town to come together and spirit each other up.

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