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spirillum minus


Definitions from WordNet

Noun spirillum minus has 1 sense
  1. ratbite fever bacterium, Spirillum minus - a bacterium causing rat-bite fever
    --1 is a kind of spirillum

Definitions from the Web

Spirillum minus


Spirillum minus, also known as the "rat-bite fever bacillus," is a type of bacteria belonging to the genus Spirillum. It is a pathogenic bacterium responsible for causing rat-bite fever in humans.

Sample Sentences

  1. The doctor diagnosed the patient with rat-bite fever, indicating the presence of Spirillum minus in their bloodstream.
  2. Researchers are studying the genetic makeup of Spirillum minus to better understand its virulence.
  3. Proper hygiene measures, such as avoiding contact with rats and keeping environments clean, can help prevent infections caused by Spirillum minus.

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