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social rank


Definitions from WordNet

Noun social rank has 1 sense
  1. social station, social status, social rank, rank - position in a social hierarchy; "the British are more aware of social status than Americans are"
    --1 is a kind of status, position
    --1 has particulars: place, station; quality

Definitions from the Web

Social Rank


Social rank refers to an individual's position or status within a society or group, which is determined by factors such as wealth, occupation, education, or social connections.

Possible Parts of Speech:

  • Noun

Possible Senses/Usages:

  1. The position or status of an individual within a social hierarchy.
  2. A measure of an individual's popularity or influence within a social group or online community.

Sample Sentences:

  1. Her family's social rank allowed her to attend exclusive events and mingle with influential people.
  2. On social media platforms, likes and followers often become indicators of one's social rank.

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