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small ruckus


Definitions from the Web

**Term: Small Ruckus**


A small ruckus refers to a minor disturbance or commotion that typically involves a small number of people or things. It describes a situation where there is a brief disruption or noise, often causing momentary chaos or confusion.


  1. Noun (Singular):
  2. The small ruckus caused by the children playing in the backyard disrupted the neighbors' peaceful afternoon.

    Related product: Children's activity set on Amazon

  3. Noun (Plural):
  4. As the politicians entered the crowded hall, a small ruckus of photographers and journalists clamored to capture their arrival on camera.

    Related product: Camera accessories on Amazon

  5. Adjective:
  6. The small ruckus crowd at the local market was bustling with energy as people gathered to buy fresh produce and interact with vendors.

    Related product: Shopping bags on Amazon

  7. Verb:
  8. Upon hearing the unexpected news, a small ruckus erupted among the students, who exchanged excited whispers and speculative glances.

    Related product: Board games on Amazon

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