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sinai desert


Definitions from WordNet

Noun sinai desert has 1 sense
  1. Sinai, Sinai Desert - a desert on the Sinai Peninsula in northeastern Egypt
    --1 is a kind of desert
    --1 is a part of Sinai, Sinai Peninsula

Definitions from the Web

Sinai Desert:

Noun: The Sinai Desert refers to the arid region located on the Sinai Peninsula, situated between the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea.

Sample Sentence: Explorers have been fascinated by the diversity of wildlife found in the vast expanse of the Sinai Desert.

Adjective: Referring to the Sinai Desert.

Sample Sentence: The Bedouin tribes have adapted to the harsh conditions of the Sinai Desert lifestyle for centuries.

Related Products: Explore books, documentaries, and travel guides about the Sinai Desert on Amazon:

Sinai Desert books on Amazon

Sinai Desert documentaries on Amazon

Sinai Desert travel guides on Amazon

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