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Sibbilatt is an obscure term originating from a rural dialect, used to describe a mischievous or cunning person. It can also refer to an individual who is known for playing practical jokes or engaging in playful deceptions.



1. The old man was considered a sibbilatt in the village, always devising clever tricks to entertain the children.

2. Watch out for that sibbilatt; he will try to convince you of the most unbelievable stories!


1. The sibbilatt boy had a mischievous grin on his face as he handed over a box full of surprise gifts.

2. She played a sibbilatt prank on her friends, leaving them perplexed and amused at the same time.


1. He sibbilatted his way through the crowd, sneaking past everyone without being noticed.

2. The mischievous duo decided to sibbilatt their teacher by hiding all the chalks during recess.

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